
I'm Jac, a 29-year-old law grad balancing the Libra scales of life.

Okay, so I'm a Gemini. But my tropical midhaven is in Libra, and my sidereal Jupiter is in Libra... So I have some Libra placements.

Counsel & Conjure is the product of my own journey to transmute my thoughts and feelings into tangible words. Trying to balance pursuing a "traditional profession" with learning my own family traditions proved to be more challenging than necessary. For the better part of six years, I found myself trying to find the middle ground between resorting to formal logic to solve even the smallest legal fact pattern, and fully relying on faith (The Universe, my Ancestors, Spirit Guides, etc.) in my everyday life. I learned to blend in using vague words such as "beliefs" and "faiths" while managing to make sure no one picked up on anything. Counsel & Conjure is dedicated, first and foremost, to myself. It is an extension of the creative outlet which I've longed to express myself through since I began law school. Now that I've graduated from law school, my hope is that everyone who reads this, regardless of their "9 to 5" profession, finds a safe haven in which they can be themselves, through and through.

From time to time, I'll be sharing my own creations. These include cleansing and purification tools such as baths and mists. Balancing the physical world and spirituality means taking care of yourself first. When the world feels too heavy and I have to remember to focus on what I came here for, I turn off distractions, bathe in herbs, and give thanks for the lessons and the patience. I use mists, depending on what they're for, before going out or interacting with non-family members. These products may not always be available due to me literally balancing work, school, and everything in between. My priority will always be my education, and I create when Spirit tells me.

However, being a law student has taught me to view society through a more grounded, realistic point of view. This is not your typical "love and light" page. There will be social justice issues addressed. And if Black lives are a matter of "politics" for you, I suggest you find another site.

With love,

Jac. ❤︎